Music To My Ears

Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do, it often relaxes me. I usually choose a specific genre that fits with my mood at the time when I am listening. I enjoy pop, country, and hip-hop music the best. Music is known to help with many things such as stress, sleep, ones state of mind, depression, and memory. Personally, I enjoy listening to music the most when I'm driving in my car. No, I am not the greatest singer like Adele or Alicia Keys, but I like to think I am! It frees my mind and allows me to think about nothing but the lyrics being sung. You could say this is my "me time." I try to go to as many concerts as possible when I get the opportunity because the experience is amazing. One of my absolute favorite concert venues is the Jones Beach Theatre in the summertime. It overlooks the beach which is my happy place. Live music is phenomenal! If you feel stressed or think you need to free your thoughts, try listening to some tunes. 

music- sound/lyrics produced by a singer, instrumental and vocals
genre- the type or category of music
mood- how you are feeling at the moment 
state of mind- your mental state at a specific time
lyrics- words in the song
concerts- a musical performance   
theatre- a building or outdoor area that holds performances
beach- a sandy shore by the ocean

Vocabulary Activity:
Use each vocabulary word in a complete sentence to show you understand the meaning/definition. Please underline the vocabulary word!

Grammar Point:
What are NOUNS? A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. There are two types of nouns - common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns name general items such as dog, store, park. Proper nouns name specific people, places, or things such as Johnny, or The Empire State Building.

Grammar Exercise:
In the paragraph above I used several nouns. Read the list below and label each noun on the line provided with CN (common noun) or PN (proper noun). 

1. music                          ______

2. car                              ______

3. Alicia Keys                   ______

4. singer                          ______

5. concert                        ______

6. venue                          ______

7. Jones Beach Theatre     ______

8. beach                          ______

9. Adele                          ______

Name 3 common nouns and 3 proper nouns.

1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________
6. ________________


  1. I like your activities a lot. They start simple and then build to challenge the learner. I totally get choosing a particular genre to fit your mood when listening to music - I do the same thing!

  2. Jones Beach concerts are my favorite summertime activity too!

    I love how you wrote about your connection to music and how it helps with stress, sleep, depression, and memory. I think a lot of EL students will be able to relate to those feelings and can use music in a similar way. Your activities are easy to understand and allow students to practice the same skill in multiple ways.

  3. I like concerts ate Jones Beach too. I have seen Sting there twice, and son goes to them as well..
    Nice vocabulary and grammar exercises! I like the way you call the grammar one "Grammar Challenge." "State of mind" is a good phrase to define and could be simplified even further as "way of thinking at a certain time."


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