My Furry Friend

Dogs are one of my favorite animals! A huge part of my family and household is my pet dog, Fitch. He is a small sized dog and weighs about twenty pounds, his fur is a light beige coloring and it is very soft. Fitch is a "Schnoodle" which is a mixture of two dogs, a schnauzer, and a poodle. The minute I walk through the door Fitch comes running to my feet to greet me as he wags his tail quickly. My family and I got him when he was a puppy and I was just 9 years old. He has been a part of my family ever since and grew up with me. I love lazy days with him when we just lay on the couch. Sometimes we are more active, especially when the weather is nice we always go for walks in the neighborhood. In the summertime, I take him to the beach and he likes to play in the sand. Dogs are great pets, they are friendly, cuddly and always there to greet you in the window of your home

animal- a living creature such as a dog
household- a house where you live with other people
pet- an animal that is a part of your family
greet- to say hello to or give a warm welcome
quickly- doing something fast
lazy- not using energy, relaxed
active- moving around, using a lot of energy
neighborhood- the area surrounding your home
home- a place where you live

Vocabulary Exercise: Fill in the blank in the sentences below.

1. My ________________ consists of my mother, father, brother, dog, and I.

2. After a long week of work and school, I prefer to sit on my couch and be ___________ all weekend.

3. I will take my bicycle for a ride around the __________________.

4. Dogs, cats, lions, and fish are all considered _______________.

5. My dog ________ me at the front door each day.

Grammar Point: punctuation marks consist of the use of periods, exclamation points, and question marks. The period ( . ) ends a sentence. An exclamation point ( ! ) and is used to exclaim your thoughts. A question mark ( ? ) is used when asking a direct question.

Grammar Exercise: Complete the matching column below to master your use of punctuation marks!

Do you think it is going to snow tomorrow       ______

I wonder what movies are out in the theatre    ______

What time will your train arrive at the station   ______

What in the world do you think you are doing   ______


  1. I love this blog! I have a dog too, and he is a big part of my family. I think students would be able to relate to this post and would love to see pictures of Fitch. I think your grammar actitivy is great too. It is very straight forward and simple, but the skills can be practiced over and over again throughout future writing pieces.

  2. It was fun to read about your dog and the role he plays in your life. Very nice entry with all the important parts!


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