Creating an Balanced Lifestyle

I spent the end of 2017 creating a more energetic and healthier lifestyle which stuck with me as I entered 2018. Over the years I was never fond of working out, but I felt it was a necessity. My eating habits weren't always the best either. After creating a routine of working out I have grown to love it and I now look forward to doing it daily. I feel that it's important to create a balanced lifestyle of happiness, positivity, mental and physical health. I belong to a boot camp which includes cardio and weight training, attend yoga classes, and ride in Soulcycle spin classes too! I've created a love for healthy eating habits to nourish my body in a clean way. When focusing on creating a more balanced lifestyle I had to work on setting goals and creating a positive mindset. This helped me to believe that anything is possible with determination. Creating healthy habits can help you feel good and leads to a positive outlook on life!

lifestyle- the way a person lives their life
fond- to have a liking for
habit- something a person does often
routine- a set plan of steps one takes
mental health- psychological and emotional well-being of a person
physical health- strength and flexibility of ones body
yoga- a spiritual practice including meditation, controlled breathing, and good posture
nourish- providing the body with food for health
goal- an achievement to accomplish
mindset- a mental attitude
determination- feeling strongly about something you are going to do

Activity: Fill in the correct vocabulary word to best complete each sentence.

1. I set a  ___________ to reach a certain amount of yoga classes I took.
2. A healthy ______________ will lead to a happy life.
3. Good eating ___________ help ____________ your body.
4. Having a strong ____________ is important for your __________ health.
5. They are ________ of working out outdoors, like going on nature walks.

Grammar Point:
A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two words. 
*In the passage above many contractions were used.
For example:     were + not = weren't
                         it + is + it's
                         I + have = I've

Grammar Exercise:
Think of a topic. Write five sentences about your topic and be sure to include at least 3 contractions. Try to use ones that I have not used!


  1. Good first entry with all the components! I liked reading about your approach to leading a healthy lifestyle. You must be very busy.. I don't like exercising much, but I do like biking, walking, and playing badminton.

  2. I am so happy you found your love for fitness. I really enjoy exercising! I competed in gymnastics and then found my love for the gym. Your grammar exercise is great!


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