Florence, Italy

Two summers ago I made one of the greatest decisions of my life, to study abroad. I traveled to Florence, Italy on an eight-hour plane ride. I lived there for one month sharing a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment on a tiny cobblestone street with four other girls. It seemed challenging but we all made it out alive. Spending time in another country was an amazing opportunity for learning about the culture, art, and Italian way of life. The city was spectacular; it was full of museums, stores, gelaterias, restaurants, and friendly people who "loved New Yorkers." Although Florence was breathtaking I had the opportunity to visit many other cities such as Positano, Rome, Venice, Sorrento, Capri, and Pompeii. I hope one day I am fortunate enough to travel back to Italy!



study abroad- students completing school work and becoming educated in another country
cobblestone- solid rock used to cover the ground as a road
challenging- hard to do
opportunity- a chance for something great
culture- the way of life and traditions in another country
spectacular- very exciting to look at
museum- a place to visit and see famous artwork from long ago
fortunate- lucky enough 

Vocabulary Exercise: Complete the matching column below by drawing a line from the definition to the correct word.

1. Students completing school work and becoming                             FORTUNATE
    educated in another country

2. Solid rock used to cover the ground as a road                                SPECTACULAR

3. A chance for something great                                                        CULTURE

4. Very exciting to look at                                                                 MUSEUM

5. A place to visit and see famous artwork from long ago                   CHALLENGING

6. Lucky enough                                                                               OPPORTUNITY

7. Hard to do                                                                                    STUDY ABROAD

8. The way of life and traditions in another country                          COBBLESTONE

Grammar Point - Adjectives:
Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. For example, a large yellow taxi took me to the airport.
*the words large and yellow are adjectives, they are describing the noun taxi*

Grammar Exercise:

Imagine yourself somewhere you wish to travel to one day and write 4-6 sentences about that place. Be sure to use descriptive words (adjectives)!!!


  1. Nice! I've always wanted to visit Italy. I think discussing travel is a great way to motivate students to talk about their own travel or experiences outside their present situation in the United States.

  2. I loved Italy! I went about 7 years ago and I would love to go back. Travel is an excellent topic for students to discuss. I also liked the vocabulary exercise you used.

  3. Nice entry about Italy. I have not been there yet, but my cousin is in Venice right now.

    I like the vocabulary matching exercise and the grammar point and exercise.


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