An Adventure at Breakneck Mountain

My last semester of senior year in college, my friends and I had a crazy idea to hike Breakneck Mountain to watch the sunrise. I did not know if I could mentally prepare myself for this adventure and physically make it to the top of the mountain in time. After much thinking, I decided I was going to join my friends and embark on the journey up Breakneck Mountain. Knowing it would be no easy task I was excited and nervous all at once. We set our alarms for 3 am and got our flashlights out since it would be pitch black the entire way up. Off went our alarms and out of bed we jumped, we drove to the mountainside and had to park our cars on the side of a narrow, curvy road. Following one another in a single filed line with our flashlights shining bright, the hike up had begun. The girls seemed nervous while the boys acted tough. The climb was a steep challenge, there were small uneven pieces of rock where you could rest one foot and your hands to pull yourself up to the next height. It took us about two hours to get all the way to the top. I was exhausted from rock climbing but it was totally worth it! The view was breathtaking and we made it just in time for an amazing sunrise. The hike down was much easier and it was now light outside so that was helpful. My experience hiking Breakneck Mountain was one I will never forget. I will always have this memory of my close group of college friends taking on a challenging adventure!

college- four years of education
hike- a long walk or climb involving nature
mentally- relating to the mind
physically- relating to the body
embark- to begin some kind of action
task- work to be completed
flashlight- a tool that gives off extra bright light
nervous- a reaction of unsureness and anxiety
challenge- a situation that is not easy
view- what you see, the scenery in front of you 
helpful- useful
pitch black- completely dark outside

Vocabulary Exercise: Choose 4 vocabulary words from above and use them in a sentence.




Grammar Point: the past tense
The past tense is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that already happened or have existed before now. 

Grammar Exercise: Rewrite the sentences below in the past tense.

1. We have a lot of free time to go shopping at the mall.


2. She will go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of goodies for the party.


3. They are going to have to fly there on an airplane.



  1. Wow! That was an amazing and somewhat risky hike! The photos are beautiful! It is very good for students to be able to see what you are like in your free time, and this story would give them much to think about: Would they be brave enough to do it themselves? Was it too risky? Was it worth it?


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