Summertime in MTK

Did you know? There are four seasons. My favorite season is summer. I enjoy spending sunny summer days laying on the beach with family and friends. The beach is extremely peaceful and relaxing to me, it is a place where I can feel zen. One of the summer traditions I look forward to every year is spending a week in Montauk, New York with my friends. We rent an apartment that overlooks the beach and share lots of laughs. A great time is had by all. Montauk is also referred to as "MTK." It is the easternmost point of Long Island and commonly known for its historical Lighthouse. There are many great restaurants, shops, beaches, and historical landmarks to visit. If you have the chance to visit Montauk, it will not disappoint you!

season- the four parts of the year marker by weather patterns (spring, summer, fall, winter)
beach-  a sandy shore near the ocean
peaceful- quiet and not disturbed
zen- feeling at peace, able to meditate and gather thoughts
traditions- something that is done every week, month, year
easternmost- the tip of Long Island, the furthest point out east
historical- important to history, from the past
landmark- an important feature of a certain town where many people visit

Vocabulary Exercise: Complete the word search using the vocabulary word list (see link below). For extra points, pick 2 and write a sentence using each!!!

Grammar Point
There is / There are
- The choice between the phrases there is and there are is determined by the noun that follows. 
You use there is when the noun is singular. For example "there is a dog in my backyard." 
You use there are when the noun is plural. For example "there are three dogs playing outside."

Grammar Exercise: Write four sentences, two using the phrase there is and two using the phrase there are. 


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